Hi there,

I want to take a moment to personally thank you for your partnership. As we all navigate the new reality created by the COVID-19 pandemic, your support is more essential than ever, and I am so grateful that you are standing with us.

You have always been a critical member of our team. As we face ever-more-pressing challenges and threats to reproductive rights, I'm writing to ask you to renew your support for the Center for Reproductive Rights right now.

You can make a gift to renew your support for 2020 by clicking this special link.

At this very moment, we are challenging some of the world's most discriminatory laws that put the health and rights of millions at risk — and this work has become even more critical during the pandemic. Anti-abortion politicians in states across the country are capitalizing on this public health crisis to push their agenda and further restrict access to abortion.

A gift of $50.00 or more would mean so much. Please use this special link to renew your commitment to the Center for 2020 and protect reproductive rights around the world.

I am so grateful to have you on our side. Thank you for your dedication.

Be safe and take care,


Center for Reproductive Rights

ANNE MATSUI (she/her/hers)
Chief Development Officer

199 Water Street, 22nd Floor
New York NY 10038
Tel 917-637-3600   Fax 917-637-3666

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The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world.

© Center for Reproductive Rights