There’s a popular saying on the left:
“Well-behaved women don’t make history.”
So why doesn’t anyone remember the Norwegian novelist Sigrid Undset?
How Undset Subverted the Romantic Tradition and Caused Scandal
It’s true that Undset wasn’t “well behaved,” but not in the way you might think.
In this week’s Intercollegiate Review article, fantasy fiction writer Lars Walker reveals Undset’s dramatic life and literary works.
If you enjoy literature that is unsparing in its moral realism and vision, you’ll want to get acquainted with Sigrid Undset . . .
You can tell a lot about a movement by its intellectual “saints.”
The intellectual saints of conservatism used to be thinkers like F. A. Hayek, Adam Smith, John Locke, Russell Kirk, and Milton Friedman.
But is that changing?
It seems there’s a new crowd of saints marching in . . .
Who Are These People?
In Britain’s New Statesman, Nick Burns looks at the emerging array of intellectual influences.
Maybe you know who these thinkers are; maybe you don’t.
Read Burns’s essay to get a fuller sense of the intellectual ferment happening on the right.
Frank Meyer (1909–1972) was an American political philosopher, journalist, and activist.
One of his greatest intellectual projects was “fusionism,” the synthesis of traditionalist and libertarian philosophies. Fusionism became the basis for American conservatism in the late twentieth century.
In this rare archive recording, listen to Meyer describe the greatest enemy of freedom in his day: collectivism.
Having been a communist once himself, Meyer saw the dangers of collectivism firsthand.
Clarence Thomas is the longest-serving justice on the current U.S. Supreme Court.
He remains the most controversial—loved by some, reviled by others.
Thomas is also the quiet justice: he almost never asks questions from the bench and rarely speaks publicly.
You probably don’t know more than a few headlines and the recollections of his contentious confirmation battle with Anita Hill.
But documentary filmmaker Michael Pack has secured unprecedented access to Clarence Thomas . . .
. . . and on April 29, you can hear the inside story.
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