We’re really proud of our dad for wanting to help make things better and make our country a better place.

Paid for by Andrei for Arizona

Hi John — it’s Ben and Belle. Andrei is our dad, and we’re reaching out because it’s his special day!

Andrei Cherny and his family

Our dad cooks dinner for us most nights — and it usually tastes good! — but in honor of Father’s Day, we want to help him relax today.

So we’re taking him out to dinner at his favorite Mexican restaurant and sending this campaign email out for him.

Our dad’s campaign is really important and we believe in him 1000%, so if you’re able, can you please chip in to help send him to Congress?

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We’re really proud of our dad for wanting to help make things better and make our country a better place.

We often go door to door with him and hear him speak at events — and we know he’s fighting for a better future for our generation.

Our dad needs all the help he can get to win this thing, so if you can pitch in any amount to support his campaign today, we’d really appreciate it!


Thank you and happy Father’s Day!

Ben and Belle