We’re sharing an important note from Colin’s campaign.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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The Senate map this year is incredibly tough — giving Democrats very little opportunity to go on offense. But Colin Allred’s race against Ted Cruz is one of our best opportunities to pick up a seat, and if we do it, there’s almost no chance Republicans take back the Senate.

We’re sharing an important note from Colin’s campaign below urging you to split a $3 donation between his campaign and ours. Please consider giving today.

-Team Murphy

Note from Colin Allred for Senate:

Did you see Ted Cruz's interview?

Ted Cruz

We all saw with our own eyes what happened after the 2020 election: Ted Cruz cheered on the mob on January 6, led the objection to the election results certification, and then hid in a supply closet.

And spoiler alert: He's ready to do it again.

We can’t let him. This November is our chance to finally hold him accountable by kicking him out of the Senate for good.

Polls currently show him and Colin Allred TIED in Texas, but this is shaping up to be the most expensive race in the country. So please, will you chip in $100, $50, $10, or whatever between Colin’s campaign and Chris Murphy’s re-election to defeat Ted Cruz and bring real, pro-democracy leadership to Texas?


Ted Cruz has proven time and again to be the single most divisive politician in Washington. From leading the charge on the 2012 government shutdown to ushering in an era of extreme hyper-partisanship and pitting Americans against each other with dangerous, extremist rhetoric. Ted isn't just Texans' problem – he's ALL AMERICANS’ problem.

Ted Cruz's refusal to commit to accepting election results is exactly the kind of rhetoric that led to January 6, and another six years of him in the Senate is a danger our democracy simply can’t afford.

As a former voting rights lawyer, Colin knows firsthand how critical it is that we all remain committed to protecting our democracy and ensuring that something like January 6 never happens again. Texans deserve a leader who respects our democracy – and Colin will unequivocally accept the results of this election.

If you agree that Ted Cruz's extreme, anti-democracy rhetoric needs to go, please chip in now to Colin and Chris Murphy to help us defeat him.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Thanks for joining us in the fight to protect our democracy,

Team Allred


Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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