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“The Father is Waiting”

The Father is waiting on you.
For you to welcome Him in.
His Spirit has the answer
Why you live with deep chagrin. 

The Spirit wants to show you
How much love God will pour out,
Fill your heart to overflow,
Then you will have no doubt.

He’ll display signs and wonders,
That will take you by surprise.
He will be a comforter,
His love will not be disguised.

Jesus paid the price for entry,
Into this Most Holy Place.
It takes a humble heart,
To truly find His grace.

He knows your history,
Clear from the beginning.
He has been praying for you,
To save you from sinning.

Father, Son, and Spirit
All stand in agreement.
Their love is enduring,
They made a true commitment.

So, take a leap of faith,
Give up on vain striving.
They are waiting for you,
As you contemplate deciding.

Wait no longer to achieve
A life of victory.
Let the door be open now,
It is you who hold the key.

Carolyn McLarty
Eagle Forum Board
June 16, 2024
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