
June 16, 2024

Dear John:


One of the many roles of the House of Representatives is to be a check on the Executive Branch. We have been diligently working on doing that in this Congress, including holding President Biden accountable for his unauthorized possession of classified documents. Attorney General Merrick Garland has audio recordings of an interview between Special Counsel Hur and President Biden regarding these documents, and Congress issued a subpoena for him to turn the audio over to the House. He ignored this duly issued subpoena. So, this week, the House of Representatives voted to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress.


I was proud to stand with my colleagues on this vote. We cannot do our job to hold our Executive Branch accountable if they ignore our subpoena requests. 



Standing with Jewish Students

Universities across the country are not protecting their Jewish students from a horrific increase in antisemitism. It is simply disgusting that this is something this country is facing in 2024, and House Republicans are committed to the freedom and safety of the Jewish community. The Ways and Means Committee held a hearing this week to talk to experts and victims about what Congress can do to hold universities accountable and protect Jewish students. You can watch my questions for the witnesses here.


Funding Our Military

This week, the House passed the Servicemembers Quality of Life Improvement and National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2025, better known as the NDAA. This year's reauthorization improves servicemember quality of life by increasing pay to account for the increased cost of living, improving housing programs, ensuring access to quality medical care and childcare, and enhancing support for military spouses. It restores American deterrence by preventing Chinese espionage and expediting technology we need to deter their aggression. It ends affirmative action and Diversity and Inclusion programming, requiring promotions to be based on merit and refocusing attention on the lethality of our defense. It removes provisions that allowed for taxpayer dollars to fund abortion. And, it works funds efforts to secure our borders.


If you'd like to read an in depth breakdown of this bill, click here.

Expanding Ag Trade to Africa

With trade agreements set to expire, the House Ways and Means Subcommittee on Trade held a hearing with experts on trade with sub-Saharan Africa, Haiti, and others. Click here to watch my conversation with witnesses about expanding agriculture export markets with these countries.


Taking Action to Prevent Fraud

As you have probably heard, Feeding Our Future, a Minnesota non-profit organization, has been caught defrauding the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Federal Child Nutrition program of over $350 million in taxpayer dollars. This week, I joined my colleagues in sending a letter to Minnesota Commissioner of Education Willie Jett requesting details on the Department's role in what has been deemed the largest COVID-19 fraud scheme in the nation. You can read the full letter here.


Thanks for Coming By!


Thank you to the Minnesota Trucking Association for taking the time to discuss workforce development, lawsuit abuse, energy and the environment, and supply chain solutions.


The National Dairy Board has 37 members who work on issues surrounding animal wellness, sustainability, and hunger. Thanks to the Seventh District's own Suzanne Vold from Dorrich Dairy for meeting me while they were in D.C.!


Our relationship with our neighbors to the north is so important for #MN07 with billions of dollars flowing between Minnesota and Canada every year. I’m grateful to Premier Wab Kinew for taking the time to come to D.C. and meet with me.


The American Optometric Association advocates for optometrists and access to eye care, and they met with me to discuss eye and vision care for Medicare patients and veterans. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Thanks to my friend, Minority Leader Lisa Demuth for visiting me and updating me on the latest Minnesota news.

What's most important to you?

I want to keep you in the loop on what Congress is doing about issues that matter to you. Please click on any and all of the following issues you would like to receive updates on:


Thank you for reading!

As always, my office is open and ready to serve constituents of Minnesota's Seventh Congressional District! Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there is anything I can do to help. Have a great week and Happy Father's Day!








Michelle Fischbach

Member of  Congress


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