Support the global fight against the coronavirus. 
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Bloomberg Philanthropies Coronavirus Response


Yesterday, Mike issued a statement about the president's decision to withhold U.S. funding support for the World Health Organization. This is such an important matter that we wanted to share it with you directly:

 Mike's statement on WHO funding

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment. That's why Bloomberg Philanthropies is supporting global efforts to prevent the spread and supporting local initiatives to help mayors, here and around the world, to respond. We're partnering to support development of therapies to treat the critically ill, and helping New York City social services, cultural nonprofits, and public hospitals fulfill their missions under extremely challenging circumstances.

We are one of many groups taking action and finding solutions. To remove support from any initiative or organization fighting this pandemic -- especially the World Health Organization -- only weakens the efforts to save lives and lengthens the time until countries, cities, and communities can return to normal.

If you can, we're encouraging you to show your support for the WHO today. You can use the links below to share messages on Facebook and Twitter:

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