Ilon told WNYC they wish they could be doing more to fight the pandemic, saying, “I have these sets of skills and my hands are tied.” In Venezuela, Ilon was a practicing physician, but faced daily discrimination for being non-binary and almost lost their life when a group of men attacked them. When they came to the U.S., Immigration Equality helped them win asylum, but the Venezuelan regime refused to send the paperwork necessary to allow Ilon to practice medicine here. Still, as a health educator and volunteer, they use their training and passion for medicine to change lives.
Share your thanks for Ilon and all frontline health care workers that continue to give us hope.
At Immigration Equality, we know it can feel easy to become overwhelmed by the current situation, but we’re always inspired by the power and resilience of our amazing clients. They remind us of our own capacity to make a meaningful difference, even when we face uphill battles.
Thank you for being a part of our community,
Kristen Thompson, Communications Director
Immigration Equality