Happy Father’s Day!
Today, I’m thinking about the millions of Special Olympics dads, father figures, coaches, and volunteers who enrich the lives of athletes with intellectual disabilities (ID). One of the best things about Special Olympics is there’s a space, a sport, or a seat in the stands for anyone who wants to get involved, including all of the amazing and supportive dads and father figures out there.
The team here at Special Olympics is putting together a Father’s Day e-card to celebrate and honor all the fathers and father figures in our mighty inclusion movement. Would you like to sign the Special Olympics Father’s Day card? You can even include a personal message about the individual you’re thinking about most today!

As you see from the photos above, I love being a dad. And a granddad. And an uncle. And a godfather!
Connecting with, teaching, and showing unconditional love to the members of your family and chosen families is how we ensure a brighter future for the next generation. I was fortunate to be the son of a devoted and loving father, Sargent Shriver, who quietly modeled service, sacrifice, and decency – and I still think about him every day.
Dads in the Special Olympics community are among our athletes’ strongest champions in every program around the world. They’re the family members and superfans cheering their lungs out in the stands. They’re the coaches and volunteers who train and support athletes with kindness and generosity. They’re even athletes themselves.
Join me in saying a big-hearted “thank you” to all the dads today. Add your name to the Special Olympics Father’s Day e-card >>
All my best,
Tim Shriver
Chairman, Special Olympics