For decades, unscrupulous financial advisors gave retirement advice to clients that went against the client’s best interests―and it was perfectly legal.
Thanks to the work of the Biden administration, a rule was implemented that outlawed the practice of financial advisors putting their own financial interests before their clients. And now some in Congress want to kill the new rule.
A group of senators and representatives1 are intent on protecting the billion-dollar financial industry instead of protecting seniors and everyday people who are saving for their futures. They want to overturn this rule and allow shady financial advisers to continue to mislead their clients for profit.
Congress needs to hear from you. Send a message to your senators and representative to demand they reject financial abuse of seniors and protect President Biden’s new rule.
Elderly Americans lose about $4.8 billion a year due to financial elder abuse and exploitation―and that number is only expected to grow as the population continues to age. Cases involving financial fiduciaries account for losses of $83,600 on average per senior.2
Congress must choose: are they on the side of older people who have worked 40+ years and are now living off their retirement income, or are they on the side of the billion-dollar financial industry that lines many of their campaign coffers?
Send a message to Congress telling them to stand up for seniors and stop elder financial abuse.
Thank you for all you do,
Deborah Weinstein Executive Director, CHN Action
1 Manchin, GOP senators move to overturn retirement investment planning rule
2 Fraud by a Fiduciary Can Be Especially Costly