Hi Friend,  

As Americans, no challenge is too great, no hardship is too tough. And with COVID-19, it is no different. 

In challenging times, we often see the best of human nature. That’s why we created our #InThisTogether movement… to highlight the spirit, strength, and ingenuity of the American people. 

The stories and pictures we’ve received are inspiring and show the best of America… and the greatness of humanity. They also unleash the power of community… neighbors supporting neighbors and communities coming together to support each other. 

After all, Americans are brave and strong, generous and kind, thoughtful and creative, resilient and tough… and #InThisTogether.

As we all unite and work together in this trying time, there are new and important issues arising each day where Independent Women’s Forum has the ability to make a huge difference and positively impact women, their loved ones, and their communities.

Your support of Independent Women’s Forum and our COVID-19 response efforts will make a significant impact in shaping the conversation moving forward.

Independent Women’s Forum is “in the room,” helping influence some of the top policy proposals, pieces of legislation, regulatory reforms, and legal challenges of our time. 

We have a dedicated staff of some of the sharpest policy, communications, and legal minds in the country who are working diligently in these difficult times. We must do all we can to ensure we keep our momentum strong. 

Thank you in advance for your generosity and thoughtfulness. If you cannot donate at this time, I understand, and I genuinely wish you the absolute best.

Please stay safe and healthy… and don’t hesitate to contact us, should you need anything or have any ideas for how we can work together to get through this tough time.

Thank you,

Heather R. Higgins
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