Can you help us reach as many voters as possible?



When a snap election was called, we launched our campaign to get our message of real hope and real change out to voters across England and Wales.


Look at what we've done together...?

Graphic showing our progress towards our ?400,000 target.

In just three weeks, we raised ?320,000 of the ?400,000 we need to spend on billboards, social media ads and national literature!


Thank you so much to everyone who has donated.


Because of you we are able to compete with the bigger parties.


But now it's crunch time.


We still have ?80,000 left to raise and need to spend the money now as time is running out to polling day.?


We can't afford to fall behind now. Our message of real hope and real change must reach as many voters as possible.?


Can you help us get there? Please donate to our elections campaign.

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ