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Join our virtual festival today at 2pm ET

Dear NCRC friends,

The coronavirus has exposed just how unjust our systems are, and that is important to talk about. But it is also important to talk about what we and our leaders can do to make a more just economy #afterthis.

That’s why we are launching the #AfterThis virtual festival today. Think about what's important to you and then get creative. Make a video, paint a picture, write a song or poem. Or … try to boil it down to five words in a tweet.

Here's what a 
#JustEconomy means to some of our team members in 5 words or less: healthcare for all, financial security; universal income, share the wealth; healthy air water food 4all. 

Share yours with us at 2 pm today on Twitter! Be sure to include the hashtags: #AfterThis and #JustEconomy, tag @ncrc and link to:

You can find more info about #AfterThis and some sample posts here.
Thank you for all that you do and stay safe!

P.S. For updates, follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
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