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Hi there, it’s Sherrod Brown. I’m personally reaching out to ask you to help me win in Ohio.

My team and I have set an ambitious goal to raise $350,000 before midnight tonight, and right now, we're falling way short, so we need all the help we can get. I’m counting on folks like you to donate $10 so we can win what has become the toughest reelection battle of my life.

The time to act is now, so I’m asking you to please give again to help me defend my seat in Ohio. Please, will you split $10 between my campaign and Adam Frisch’s to help me defend my seat in Ohio and win in Colorado?

If you've saved payment information with ActBlue Express, your split donation between Sherrod Brown and Adam Frisch will go through immediately:

Hitting our goal is more important now than ever before. Why? Because the odds are stacked against me:

  • The GOP named me one of their top targets for defeat, and CNN says I’m one of the most vulnerable senators in the entire country.

  • My opponent, Bernie Moreno, is spending millions of his own dollars to fund his campaign and flood the airways with his pro-Trump message.

  • Mitch McConnell-aligned super PACs made record-breaking ad reservations in Ohio – all in an attempt to take me down.

The polls show me neck and neck with my opponent, which is why every dollar is absolutely critical. It won’t be easy, but we CAN pull ahead IF folks like you chip in to help us get the resources we need to spread our pro-worker message.

Will you please split $10 between my campaign and Adam Frisch’s? Your donation could mean the difference between winning or losing Ohio.

Thank you for standing with me,

– Sherrod