Friend, the U.S. Postal Service is a lifeline for millions of Americans. And many are planning to use it to cast their ballots safely in November.
But right now, the USPS is in danger -- and President Trump is willing to let it go bankrupt.
Add your name to tell Congress: include funding to save the USPS in the next COVID-19 stimulus package >>
The Postal Service is being hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis -- and experts say that without support from the government, the agency could run out of money as early as September. [1]
But Trump remains dead set against saving the USPS. When Congress tried to add a $13 billion direct grant for the Postal Service to its recent stimulus package, a Trump administration official stated: “We told them very clearly that the president was not going to sign the bill if [money for the Postal Service] was in it.” [2]
Trump may not believe that Americans need a well-funded, fully functioning Postal Service during the COVID-19 crisis... but I think that all of the hardworking parents who get their life-saving medications delivered by the USPS each month might disagree.
As well as the grandparents who want to send birthday cards to their grandchildren this year.
And the millions of eligible voters nationwide who plan to cast their ballots by mail this fall, making their voices heard in our democracy from the safety of their own homes.
Don’t let Trump’s attacks on the USPS wipe out this vital agency. Tell Congress to provide ample funding to preserve the Postal Service in its next stimulus package.
First, President Trump launched a baseless crusade against vote-by-mail -- and now, he’s coming for the entire Postal Service.
But if you and I speak out, I know we can stop him. Our democracy depends on it.
Thanks for all you do,
Jack Mumby, Deputy Digital Director
and the team at Common Cause