John, I thought it would be a good idea to tell you how your support has already improved North Carolinians’ health and well-being, and how it will help us accomplish our mission going forward. Supporting that mission has never been more important, as Americans realize how critical it is we elect leaders who listen to experts and protect people from threats to their health. In just recent months, your advocacy helped us kill the Duke Energy rate hike bill and then defeat a legislator who supported that bill in this year’s primary. We stopped lawmakers from renewing the wind energy ban and from hiking hybrid and electric car registration fees to the highest in the South. Your support also funds our civic engagement team which has registered over 80,000 new voters since 2014! With online voter registration now a reality, we’re ramping that up even more heading into this fall’s election. Your ongoing support will fund software and training as we move our work online. It will help us spread our message to the voters we need to activate to elect a pro-environment legislative majority in November through targeted TV and digital ads and direct mail. That’s been our work for more than 50 years. We operate at the intersection of environmental protection and political action. We build a political environment that protects our natural environment — and our people. When lawmakers carry water for the polluters over the people, we take them on. In their place, we support leaders who will fight for clean air, clean water, and clean energy for all North Carolinians. That’s what your investment helps us accomplish. When you give, you put our mission into action.
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