TTP Stands Strong in the Face of Cancel Culture.
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Dear John,


Well, it has been an interesting week to say the least...

On Wednesday, a Leftist news outlet hurled a volley of false attacks on True Texas Project's 15 Years Strong conference and party. As a result of their attempts to cancel us, the venue we had planned to use for our celebration backed out, and several guest speakers dropped from the program.

But that wasn't enough to stop us...

After a series of phone calls from the True Texas army to the City of Fort Worth (which runs the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens) and the threat of legal action, they decided to honor our agreement and let us host our 15 year celebration!  That's a big win!

Julie will have the full story in Sunday's newsletter, so be sure you look for that.  Plus, several True Texans including Julie and her husband Fred, Susan Griffith, and Jackie Wakin are gathering to celebrate victory tonight (Saturday) at 7:30pm at Big Daddy's.


I don't think it's any secret why billionaire-backed Leftist "news" organizations are trying to silence TTP. They hate us because we are 1.) mostly Christian, 2.) conservative, and 3.) we represent the grassroots movement that gained tons of ground in the 2024 primary elections.

The Left sees just how effective TTP has been, and they are actively trying to weaponize their cancel culture in an attempt to stifle their opposition. 

But that doesn't matter anymore - we're going to celebrate our history of success with our 15 Years Strong conference and party on July 12-13! We'll make sure to send you the details once we have all the new details lined-up, but for now, consider making a generous contribution to TTP to help us fight back against the Left's attempts to cancel us!

Be sure to keep checking your inbox for future updates from us on the 15 Years Strong conference and party. In the meantime, pitch in today to help us secure a pro-free speech venue to celebrate YOU in July!

God Bless Texas,
Fran Rhodes, President

P.S. We'll get you more information on the TTP 15 year birthday event as soon as we have it. Chip in $15 today to help us stand strong in the face of the Left's efforts to sabotage our celebration!

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