The path to a better country does not lie in fear, division, or disrespect for our democracy, like Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives might try to make you think.
We must keep moving forward, friend.
The path to a better country does not lie in fear, division, or disrespect for our democracy, like Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives might try to make you think.
The path to a better country lies in hard work, listening to the priorities that matter most to Canadians, and delivering on them.
That’s why Justin Trudeau and our Liberal team have delivered $10-a-day child care, National Universal Pharmacare and dental care, a National School Food Program, real housing solutions, and so much more.
Meanwhile, Pierre Poilievre and his Conservatives continue trying to take Canada backwards by pushing cuts to programs that Canadians rely on and importing far-right American-style politics here to Canada.
We need to keep moving our country forwards, not backwards, friend.
Our mid-month goal is just a few hours away, and I’m hoping you’ll consider chipping in before midnight tonight to help us reach it.
Chip in now so Justin Trudeau and our Liberal team can deliver fairness for every generation.