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The Democratic National Committee (DNC) just announced a multimillion-dollar investment into Minnesota and other targeted states, and we need YOUR support now more than ever.


This massive influx of funds from the DNC threatens to undermine our values and crush our momentum.


They are pouring money into our state in hopes to silence conservative voices like yours and mine.


But we won't back down! With your help, I will stand strong against this liberal onslaught and continue to fight for our shared conservative principles in Congress.


Please make a contribution today to help us combat the DNC as they pour money into our state in hopes of flipping seats just like this one.

Every dollar the DNC spends is a direct attack on our way of life. They are determined to push their radical agenda and override the will of Minnesota voters.


I am committed to defending our freedoms and representing your interests in Washington. Together, we can counter this financial assault and protect our state from liberal policies.


Your immediate contribution is crucial. We must raise the funds needed to keep our campaign’s momentum and ensure our message reaches every voter.


Please make a contribution today to help us combat the DNC as they pour money into our state in hopes of flipping seats just like this one.

Brad Finstad
Minnesota's 1st Congressional District 

PO Box 923

New Ulm, MN 56073
