We told you that we all needed to stand with Jamie Raskin in his fight to pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act! And Democrats everywhere signed on!
Now we’re telling you that Jamie Raskin is calling on Democrats once again to stand up for Justice and Integrity on the Supreme Court!

FACT: Justices Alito and Justice Thomas have proven time and again their disdain for ethics… from taking gifts from mega donors and openly supporting Donald Trump’s Big Lie!
➡ Jamie Raskin needs top Democrats (that’s you, friend!) to step up and force Justice Thomas and Justice Alito to recuse themselves! But they won’t budge without an overwhelming show of strength!
So we need you right now: Be one of the 2,000 brave Democrats we need to sign on RIGHT NOW to DEMAND corrupt MAGA justices recuse themselves from this critical case! »
Thank you, thank you, thank you for your immediate response!
Senate Fight Fund