Biden’s Voter Drive Scandal: 600 Agencies, Left-Wing PartnershipsSCOTUS Won’t Hear Challenge UNTIL Sept!
The Supreme Court's decision, announced on June 12, not to consider a Republican challenge to President Joe Biden’s executive order on voter registration and mobilization through 600 federal government agencies until September 30 has raised concerns. This decision made perilously close to the November 5 elections, could potentially have a significant impact on the electoral landscape. The delay in Supreme Court action, resulting from the challenge to Biden's executive order, is a significant setback for those contesting Biden's overreach. The challenge, rooted in Biden’s Executive Order 14019, which mandates all federal agencies to use government resources for voter registration and get-out-the-vote activities, has been dubbed by Republicans as “Bidenbucks,” a term that echoes the controversial 'Zuckerbucks' of 2020, now outlawed in 27 states. ‘Bidenbucks’ is YOUR BUCKS! Taxpayer Bucks! Pennsylvania state Rep. Dawn Keefer (R), backed by 27 state lawmakers, argues the executive order is unconstitutional, claiming voter registration drives are not a legitimate government function. The Republican lawmakers contend that Biden’s order infringes on state powers. They argue that the order violates the U.S. Constitution by circumventing Congress’s power of the purse, effectively implementing government-funded partisan voter drives without legislative approval. The Republicans argue this executive overreach directly benefits Biden, especially since it targets 600 federal agencies, including the prison system and HUD, likely to skew voter registration efforts towards Democratic strongholds. This tactic mirrors the controversial 2020 elections, where Zuckerbucks funding swayed elections in battleground states and counties by 20% or more. President Joe Biden's abuse of power reached new heights this March as he brazenly tapped the DOJ and AG Garland to get out the vote in the prison system. Biden signed an executive order on March 7, radically altering federal election protocols by expanding voting and registration access for criminals in prison and on probation and directing the Attorney General to establish procedures for providing voter registration and voting educational materials to all eligible individuals in federal custody. It also mandates efforts to help former prisoners obtain identification necessary for state voting requirements. Further, Biden is instructing the U.S. Marshals Service to include clauses in its contracts to facilitate voting by mail and distribute voter information to eligible criminals. This blatant overreach not only undermines the integrity of our elections but also prioritizes criminal votes over law-abiding citizens. Led by U.S. Rep. Dan Meuser (R-Pa.), a coalition of federal lawmakers filed a friend-of-the-court brief emphasizing the danger of the executive branch’s unilateral actions. They argue such overreach undermines fair elections and distorts the democratic process, turning federal agencies into partisan tools. Their brief insists the U.S. Constitution’s Elections Clause mandates state legislatures, not federal agencies, oversee election rules, ensuring checks and balances against executive overreach. President Biden’s Executive Order 14019 is nothing short of a federal takeover and blatant overreach of state elections. Mobilizing voters is inherently political, and federal agencies with public interactions could easily pressure recipients to vote for certain candidates, undermining the Hatch Act’s prohibition on federal election activities. While conservatives remain in the dark, left-wing activist groups like Demos have been actively working with federal agencies. Demos has publicly admitted to organizing agency-based working groups and meeting with agency staff to ensure voter registration plans align with their priorities. Bidenbucks, YOUR BUCKS, Must Be Stopped! Support our work for the small price of a $5 cup of coffee or more a month, and help us make elections more secure through real policy change!You're currently a free subscriber to Act for America. For the full experience, upgrade your subscription. |