Shein is the largest fashion retailer in the world -- raking in billions by using forced labour and churning out cheap plastic clothes that pollute our planet.
Governments all over the world are thinking about ways to curb the impact of this destructive industry, and the French government is leading the way with a historical bill that would set the tone for governments around the world.
But Shein's lobbyists are working day and night to stop the law from passing. Let's build a massive call on France and all governments to listen to us, the consumers, not powerful lobbyists, and protect our planet from the harms of fast fashion:
To all governments: ignore the lobbyists, crack down on fast fashion!
The fashion industry is one of the biggest polluters – making up a staggering 10% of the world’s carbon emissions. It dries up water sources, pollutes rivers, and micro-plastics from clothes end up in our oceans and seafood.
It’s crucial that the industry becomes green and fair.
France’s proposed law would completely ban fast fashion advertising and put an environmental surcharge on fast fashion items sold. The money from the surcharge would then go to eco-friendly brands to support more sustainable fashion. It would be a game changer for how the industry operates, but only if the biggest fashion retailer stops roadblocking change.
To all governments: ignore the lobbyists, crack down on fast fashion!
We have come together and forced big fashion brands to change. When Ekō members all around the world called on The Iconic and Loblaw to take responsibility for the safety of its workers, the companies agreed to sign the Fire and Building Safety Agreement.
Let’s create change again.