Election Briefing 2024: Get informed

Dear supporter,Election Briefing 2024

I am delighted to say that our new Election Briefing is now available to download.


You can also use our interactive online version of the briefing.


It analyses party policies on various issues of concern to Christians, including religious liberty, marriage and the family, the sanctity of life and education.

The Christian Institute is a registered charity and does not endorse any political party or candidate. But with the General Election just weeks away, we trust this handy guide will help inform you as you prayerfully consider how to vote.

If you are on our postal mailing list, a free paper copy of Election Briefing 2024 will be sent to you next week. If you are not, and would like to join our postal mailing list to receive your own free copy, please send us your address.

The online version will be updated with late policy announcements – we’ll let you know when that’s ready. You can also download our other election materials from our website.

Christians are commanded to pray for those in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-4) and to act as salt and light (Matthew 5:13-16). MPs in the new Parliament will consider many proposals of vital interest to Christians. We need to be informed.

REMINDER: Join our election webinar!

Join the CI’s Simon Calvert and Dave Greatorex next week for a 30-minute live webinar on the UK General Election.

Monday 17 June at 7.30pm, or
Tuesday 18 June at 12.30pm

Both webinars are live. The presentations will be the same.

Join five minutes before the start time using the button below:

Join webinar

If you do not currently have Zoom installed on your device please go to the.ci/zoom and follow the instructions given there.

Please continue to pray that those elected will govern righteously and protect our gospel freedoms.

Yours in Christ,
Ciarán Kelly
Ciarán Kelly
Acting Director
The Christian Institute