But Biden and the ATF are turning to Congress to retaliate…
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Gun Owners of America


It’s a great day for liberty. The ATF has suffered yet another defeat.

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court STRUCK DOWN the ATF’s ban on bump stocks, arguing that the ATF exceeded its power by classifying bump stocks as “machine guns.”

GOA’s challenge in Michigan to the ATF’s bump stock ban was the FIRST case in the nation where a judge ruled that bump stocks were not machine guns, paving the way for the Supreme Court to intervene and protect the Second Amendment.

We also filed an amicus brief in this victorious Supreme Court case.

But now, the gun grabbers are seething with rage and ready to retaliate by calling on Congress to BAN bump stocks:

Right on cue, the ATF has backed up Biden’s call, vowing to work with Congress to BAN bump stocks.

That’s why we’re asking YOU to call Congress and tell them to keep their hands off the Second Amendment by voting no on any incoming bill that bans bump stocks.

Here is the number to connect to your Representative and Senators:

(202) 224-3121

You have our word that GOA will fight ANY bump stock ban that gets introduced in Congress in the coming days – just as we have since the first moment the ATF issued its unconstitutional ban.

If you can, please also consider making a contribution to our 2A Defense Fund to ensure we have the resources to fight and kill any bump stock ban as soon as it’s introduced.

As I told you earlier this week, we have two other cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. One involves overturning bans on semi-autos; the other involves upending bans on concealed carry. 

We will know on Monday whether the high court will hear one or both of these landmark cases.  

As you can see, GOA is fighting MANY legal battles, all over the country. So thank you for your continued support!

In Liberty, 

Erich Pratt
Senior Vice President
Gun Owners of America

P.S. Please distribute this alert to every pro-gun person you know. And don’t forget that you can join GOA or renew your membership here.

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