Take action for animals today. Join the Animal Legal Defense Fund. View this email in a browser. [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]] [[link removed]]Dear Law Professionals,
I hope you are safe and well during these challenging times. We have a few
announcements we'd like to share with you.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund is offering three more webinars this month, all of
which are free and open to the public.
Why Pandemics Happen: COVID-19
Join Stephen Wells, Animal Legal Defense Fund Executive Director, and Dr. Billy
Karesh, EcoHealth Alliance Executive Vice President for Health and Policy for a
timely conversation about Why Pandemics Happen
[[link removed]] .
[[link removed]]
Messaging a Movement
Please join Elizabeth Putsche, Animal Legal Defense Fund's Director of
Communications for Messaging a Movement [[link removed]] , a webinar examining common vernacular that could have unintended consequences
-- and how to position animal issues for success.
[[link removed]]
Using Local Legislation to Protect Animals: Prohibiting Circuses and Traveling
Shows that Exploit Animals
Please join Elizabeth Holtz, Animal Legal Defense Fund's Campaigns Manager for Using Local Legislation to Protect Animals: Prohibiting Circuses and Traveling
Shows that Exploit Animals
[[link removed]] , a webinar walking you through the steps to pass a ban, as well as sharing
tips that can be applied to any local legislative campaign.
[[link removed]]
Other Upcoming Opportunities:
Animal Law Summer Program
The Center for Animal Law Studies at Lewis & Clark Law School is offering three
courses in animal law this summer: Aquatic Animal Law, The Law & Ethics of
Animal Testing, and Animal Rights Law & Jurisprudence. Courses in the Animal Law Summer Program
[[link removed]] are available for auditing by attorneys and non-law students.
*Applicants with an outstanding commitment to animal law and a particular
interest in anti-vivisection can apply for a scholarship
[[link removed]] for the Law & Ethics of Animal Testing course.
[[link removed]]
Animal Law CLEs
Are you a member of a Bar Association Animal Law Section or Committee planning
an online Animal Law CLE in the coming months? If so, don't forget to post the
details on our calendar of events [[link removed]] . We can help you get the word out!
For the animals,
Tom Linney, J.D.
Pro Bono Director
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© 2018 Animal Legal Defense Fund
525 East Cotati Avenue, Cotati, CA 94931 | (707) 795-2533