It has 50 stars and 13 stripes.
It’s flown at the U.S. Capitol, Iwo Jima, Arlington Cemetery, and
countless other American institutions. It’s a symbol of hope,
democracy, and freedom. It represents what so many have given their
lives to defend. Well, to most of us, it does, anyway.
To others, it means something else.
It’s a pawn in a sick game of redefining everything America stands
for. It’s used for dog whistling and fear mongering. It’s flown upside
down to show allegiance to an orange anti-patriot who probably wants
to replace the stars and stripes with an advertisement for his golf
And we’re not just talking about
the people who used it to beat police officers and smash in windows on
January 6th. We’re also talking about certain people who sit in our
highest courts and conduct business in our temples of democracy.
Justice Sam Alito and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene have made
it clear that they think the American Flag is best used for promoting
baseless conspiracy theories. We disrespectfully disagree.
Make no mistake, MAGA, and all who
support its ideals, are the opposite of American. They’re actively
rooting for our downfall. They’ve made it clear that they’re willing
to destroy some 250 years of hard work just for some failed
businessman with a fractured ego. They aren’t interested in continuing
the great American experiment; they’re interested in tearing it down
and selling it for scrap.
That’s how we view MAGA, and that’s
how we’ll treat MAGA as a major threat to our democracy. So, next time
you see Trump fondle a flag pole before a rally where he’ll just talk
about how bad this country is, remember that it’s all an act. Know
that Donald Trump is currently the biggest threat to the future of
American democracy. Help
us take him down >>
-The Lincoln Project