Becoming The Fathers God Wants
Us To Be
Fathers’ Day Message from Thomas McKenna
Dear Friend,
“For this reason I kneel before
the Father, from whom every family in heaven and on earth is named,
that he may grant you in accord with the riches of his glory to be
strengthened with power through his Spirit in the inner
self” (Ephesians
While we know very well that Jesus
called God His Father, we often overlook the fact God shares
the gift of His fatherhood with
all men, at least, all who desire it.
Every man who generates a child
becomes a father by that biological fact. If he is honest and
responsible for his loved ones, he becomes a provider, a nurturer, and
a protector. These are all holy things, even if one is not motivated
strictly by Christian faith to live them out.
We all know the role that the good
St. Joseph played in a human sense in the care and nurturing of the
Holy Family.
But fatherhood doesn’t end with
providing for the material wellbeing of our families. As necessary as
these things are, they are largely the external dimensions of
fatherhood. The inner dimension of fatherhood comes when he exercises
fatherhood on their
Hidden in the decades of silence in
Nazareth, good St. Joseph exercised his spiritual fatherhood toward
his blessed Son, Jesus, by teaching Him to pray, forming His human
mind in the truth of the scriptures, and imbuing Him with a sense of
the meaning and dignity of work.
These are the deeper aspects of
fatherhood—and easily the more important ones.
But no one becomes a spiritual
father unless he asks for
that gift from our Father
in heaven. God is the one “from whom every family in heaven and earth
is named.” Is that not an magnificent description of God the
St. Paul claims that there are not
only families on earth but “in heaven”—why is that? It is simply
because of God’s gift of spiritual fatherhood. The phrase reminds men
that being a father is a spiritual reality
that transcends this world.
Fatherhood descends from heaven as
a gift from God. In turn, spiritual fathers
give that bit of heaven to their families as a blessing and a promise.
Families of faith certainly enjoy the blessings of faith even in this
world, but there is a promise of more blessings to come.
Don’t we all hope that we will one
day be reunited with all of our loved ones in the great mansions of
heaven? Those families will be intact and perfectly
peaceful in heaven in a way they could never be on earth!
Isn’t heaven described as a massive
wedding banquet? Families put on
wedding banquets, so our
families will be there to
welcome us into the hall for the celebration when our time comes. That
is our hope anyway!
And no doubt, spiritual fathers
drag many of our weak and failing loved ones over the rocky shoals of
this sinful world to the shores of heaven. That’s what spiritual
fatherhood is for, isn’t it?
One final word.
God’s Fatherhood is so powerful
that he even shares it with those who have not been blessed with the
gift of biological children. Countless single men (and widowers) seek
to give themselves in a fatherly way to others while they have time,
and that’s because God lavishes His gift of fatherhood on all those
men who ask for it.
It is also true of every celibate
priest who sustains a community of faith by his spiritual nurturing
and care for souls. He becomes a true spiritual father when he
imitates the Father of all goodness and gives himself unselfishly for
their wellbeing.
On this Fathers’ Day, let us
“kneel before
the Father, from whom every family
in heaven and on earth is named” and thank Him for His innumerable temporal and spiritual gifts
that sustain us in this earthly life, and above all, for the gift of
And men—let us never cease to ask
Him for the grace to become the fathers He wishes us to be!
Your friend in Christ,

Thomas J McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action for Faith and Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
P.S. Speaking of fathers, we are honoring 49 years
of spiritual fatherhood from Cardinal Burke with a Spiritual Bouquet!
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