REPORT: More Than Half of All Americans Experience Online Hate or Harassment in Their Lifetime
In ADL’s annual Survey of Online Hate and Harassment, 56 percent of Americans report experiencing online hate or harassment in their lifetimes, continuing an upward trend.
And at a time when antisemitic incidents overall are at historic levels in the U.S., the report reveals that 34 percent of Jewish adults who were harassed online reported being targeted because of their religion in just the past 12 months. In addition, 41 percent have changed their online behavior to avoid being recognized as Jewish.
Rates of hate and harassment were highest among transgender, LGBTQ+ and Muslim adults. Harassment of teens ages 13-17 remained steady at a worrisome 50 percent. Of those who reported being harassed, the largest percentage indicated that their harassment took place on Facebook.
“The hate we’re seeing online, doesn’t stay online — it causes real harm and violence in peoples’ lives. It’s high time everyone stepped up to keep communities and marginalized groups safe from hate and harassment,” said Jonathan Greenblatt, ADL CEO.
(Photo: Anushka Ghosh Dastidar / Daily Nexus) |
Pro-Palestinian protestors at the University of California, Santa Barbara occupied the school’s Girvetz Hall, where they “intimidated custodial staff and ordered them to leave.”
The group obstructed entryways, prevented access to classrooms, and restricted scheduled final exams from occurring. The group fled when a heavy police presence approached, but no students were arrested and the campus encampment remains in place. ADL Santa Barbara Regional Director Dan Meisel emphasized that “there’s no excuse for this degree of damage and destruction, nor can students reasonably expect to feel safe on campus with completely masked “protesters” on the roofs of school buildings. UCSB has dragged its heels for far too long — these are the consequences.”
And one more in California… “The president of California State University, Los Angeles, says demonstrators protesting Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza are no longer welcome
on campus after some of them occupied and trashed a building while she was inside.” After the takeover ended without arrests, “assaults” were reported by three employees and one student, according to President Eanes. The university announced that all main campus classes would be remote until further notice and that there was “significant damage” to the building. Earlier demonstrations on the campus by pro-Palestinian groups have included antisemitic messages in graffiti, according to school officials.
Exploiting Anti-Vax Movement to Recruit New Extremists:
Anti-vaccine narratives remain prevalent on social media, and extremists continue to exploit these sentiments to recruit new members, raise money and mainstream their beliefs. As the ADL Center on Extremism notes in its new report, extremists appear poised to exploit concerns about vaccine policies and mask mandates during the 2024 presidential election cycle. For example, following reports that 2024 presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suggested during a 2023 event that COVID-19 had been “engineered” to spare Ashkenazi Jews, the antisemitic Goyim Defense League created a flier featuring his quote.
Read the full report.
Make your voice heard!
With antisemitic protests rattling the New York Jewish community, now is the time to speak out. Just this past week, we watched in horror as a terrorism-endorsing protest erupted outside an exhibit aimed at memorializing the Nova festival victims of Hamas terror; vandals defaced the homes of the Brooklyn Museum's Jewish leaders and masked individuals harassed Jews on the NYC subway. This level of hate is a crisis. Please join ADL in speaking out against antisemitism, to decry hate, to denounce scapegoating, and ensure that rising extremism is not mainstreamed or normalized.
Click here to pledge: I will use my voice to help reverse this dangerous trend. Only together can we fight hate for good.
Editor’s Note: After anti-Israel demonstrators brought their ‘Day of Rage’ protests to this exhibit, the Nova exhibit organizers announced that the protests have inspired them to extend the exhibit in defiance of hate.
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