It's time to push for real change



It’s not just party leaders who have endorsed the Green manifesto.

Image of article by George Monbiot titled 'Who should hold the next prime minister to account? Our best hope lies with the Green Party'.

Now we need your help to push for REAL change.


✅ A wealth tax on the super rich
✅ Scrap two child benefit cap
✅ Cancel fossil fuel licences including Rosebank
✅ Introduce a carbon tax for polluters
✅ Bring water companies into public ownership
✅ Invest £50 billion in NHS
✅ Create 150,000 new social homes per year


Please help elect four Green MPs to hold the next Government to account.

Thanks for your support.


The Green Party


Promoted by Chris Williams on behalf of The Green Party, both at PO Box 78066, London SE16 9GQ