Dear Friend,

We know that you care about the cutbacks to victim services in California and nationwide. We want to keep you up to date on the existing and impending cuts to our budget. The situation continues. We have already had to cut back our services and are doing everything possible to mitigate this crisis.

Your extra support can go a long way to help POV — and is needed now more than ever.

Last week we sent staff and clients up to the State Capitol in Sacramento to rally legislators to include VOCA funding in the budget. Rocio, a client in our Deaf Services department, attended and spoke to the crowd of hundreds. Video of Rocio is linked below. POV’s Deaf, Disabled & Elder (DDE) Services Program is committed to extending accessible services for victims of sexual and domestic violence who are deaf, hard of hearing, have a disability and/or elder individuals. We have expanded our Deaf Services program to include victims of crimes such as robbery, false imprisonment, vehicular assault, caregiver and/or hospital abuse, aggravated assault and stalking. This is one of the very few programs of its kind and it is currently under threat.

Voca Rally 2024 — Deaf Programming in Jeopardy

The budget remains in Governor Newsom’s hands. He can include funds that will help POV and organizations like ours. Contact his office today and donate now to support life saving services for victim/survivors.

Contact Governor Newsom at this link or call his office directly at (916) 445-2841 now using this sample script.

Please join us in making a difference in the lives of survivors and take action now.

In community,

Your friends at Peace Over Violence