My thoughts on this week’s SCOTUS decision

Ayanna Pressley for Congress

Mifepristone is safe, effective, and legal. Period.

Yesterday’s Supreme Court ruling on mifepristone is a major relief, and a victory for reproductive justice. The justices rejected a bid from anti-abortion extremists to reverse the FDA’s approval of the medication abortion drug — which is the most common method for abortion patients to get this care.

This case, which should have never reached our nation’s top court, put essential reproductive care at risk for people across the country. It risked taking FDA-approved medication that has been used for decades off the market, because politicians wanted to play doctors and scientists. It was really about controlling our bodies and taking away our rights.

While a catastrophic abortion medication ban was just averted, we’re not out of the woods, and we must remain vigilant. Republicans will continue their coordinated and persistent attacks on reproductive freedom. They’ve shown their cards, and they are coming for IVF, birth control, and a nationwide abortion ban.

We must fight back and pass sweeping abortion protections at the federal level, including by passing my Abortion Justice Act and the Women’s Health Protection Act. If you’re with me on this, add your name to show your support for national abortion protections.

Abortion is a Right

Let’s be clear: this ruling means medication abortion remains safe, routine, and still legal in many states across the nation, including Massachusetts. But it does NOT change the fact that:

We’re still seeing abortion bans enacted in states nationwide with no exceptions. We’re still seeing attempts to ban IVF and contraception. And we’re still seeing patients seeking abortion care turned away from emergency rooms.

This issue is a matter of life and death — and as always, these restrictions fall hardest on Black, brown, low-income, LGBTQ+, Indigenous folks, the disabled, and the most marginalized communities.

Use your voice today and add your name to demand Congress take action to stop these extremists and codify the right to abortion care — including medication abortion — once and for all.

I will never stop fighting to affirm abortion care as healthcare and the fundamental human right that it is.

Yours in service,
