
I have played baseball around the globe — Canada, Belgium, Germany, and France just to name a few places. But, as a good Iowa-born baseball player, I always felt something was missing when I played abroad: standing and recognizing the American flag as the National Anthem played.

In recent years, far-right extremists have tried to claim ownership of patriotism — of the flag itself. These extremists wrap themselves in the flag, hang it upside down, and give it a soft trumpian caress. It is not only unsettling to witness, but also a false idea of patriotism.

Our nation was built on principles of democracy, equality, and freedom. Over generations we have fought in the courts, ballot boxes, legislatures, and even on battlefields to uphold those principles. We have not always represented our best self as a nation, but our willingness to Stand Tall for All has always kept us on the correct path.

2024 will be a pivotal year for each and every one of us. In November, rights may be won and lost; demagogues and extremists may cry foul; and election day may come with an unfailing dread; but our love of community and country will always guide our movement because we believe in a patriotism of progress — a belief that the United States stands for more than it is, for an ideal we are still striving towards — and the flag represents our patriotic commitment to stand tall for our nation by Standing Tall for All. So, on this Flag Day, hang an American Flag and demonstrate what patriotism means for all of us.

Stand Tall for All,


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