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Dear John,
Sorry to interrupt your day, but what I'm about to share
demands your immediate attention.
President Trump
has made it abundantly clear: "My campaign isn’t powered
by liberal billionaires - IT’S POWERED BY YOUR SUPPORT AND YOUR
Before sunset today, we need your patriotic spirit. We need to band
together and show we're the backbone of America.
We're on a mission to safeguard our nation's future, and
every single contribution strengthens our resolve.
It's up to us to amplify our voice and make sure our message is
heard. Your
action today is more than a contribution - it's a declaration!
Reignite the flame of American perseverance. Take that bold step
and become
a beacon of hope in our journey to keep America
Stand tall with President Trump. Make
your stance known and support the cause that cherishes the values we
hold dear.
Republican HQ
Standing Strong with
President Trump