Samuel Alito: No provisions in the constitution gives [Congress] the authority to regulate the Supreme Court - Period.

Friend, be the next Democrat from Washington to sign our VIRAL petition! Add your name now to DEMAND Congress pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act:

SIGN NOW: Demand Congress pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act >>

Samuel Alito will be PISSED if you sign

Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas have accepted multiple luxury trips from Supreme Court lobbyists – even after overturning Roe v. Wade!

→ The Supreme Court Ethics Act would force corrupt Justices like Thomas and Alito to follow a code of ethics for the first time in history.

DOZENS of top Democrats like Amy Klobuchar have endorsed this bill to save our democracy from Trump’s far‑right Justices.

Amy Klobuchar: Supreme Court Justices should be governed by the same ethics rules as every other federal judge. We've got a bill to do it. It's time to pass it.

But still, Congress has not passed the Supreme Court Ethics Act. So please be the next Washington Democrat to sign our petition before midnight to demand Congress pass this bill >>>

SIGN NOW: Demand Congress pass the Supreme Court Ethics Act >>

Thank you for taking action.


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