today's Supreme Court decision


Today's decision by the Supreme Court does not end the fight against those who seek to undermine the rights of women across the country. Abortion access, including the use of FDA-approved Mifepristone — which has been used safely for decades — continues to face a litany of baseless attacks across the country.

Extremists won’t stop at abortion — birth control and IVF are on the line too. Women in rural parts of the country are disproportionately affected by accessibility issues, something Mifepristone and the birth control pill help address.

I believe that every woman deserves the right to choose what is best for her health, family, and future. We must continue to fight for our fundamental freedoms and restore the right to abortion into our rule of law. Government-mandated pregnancies have no place in the United States.

The government should have no place in dictating decisions that should be left to a woman and her healthcare provider. These continued attacks contradict everything we stand for as a free country.

With gratitude -