
As the official Democratic nominee running against Jim Jordan one thing has become abundantly clear: Jim and his radical-right donors are TERRIFIED of the momentum we’re building.

I’m a tenacious fighter with a reputation for speaking my mind - and I won’t shy away from a bruising fight with Jim Jordan—and that’s got his entire team shaking in their boots.

Right now, a lot of my focus is on talking with voters, attending events, and getting my message out to the people. That means I’m relying heavily on grassroots donors like you to help me grow my team, hit our fundraising goals, and flip this seat blue!

We’ve got a huge deadline coming up in just a few days, and, frankly, it’s all hands on deck to hit our goals.

Before I head back out into the field, I have to ask: Will you rush a donation of $25, $50, or whatever you can spare -- split with Serve America -- to help me stand up to Jim Jordan and WIN?


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take the fight to Jim Jordan and get this seat into Democratic hands.

But in order to get the job done, we have to take these fundraising goals seriously.

Your support means the world to me, and it will help us continue to grow this grassroots campaign that will take down Jim Jordan! What could be better than that?

Click here to rush a split contribution!

I’m so grateful for your support,


Tamie Wilson
Candidate for Congress (OH-4)