Some folks have asked me why I accepted the invitation. It's the same reason I have often been one of the only Democrats attending a lot of meetings around the state.
We're not surrendering Missouri anymore. We're not letting them dominate the conversations, make policy without pushback, or infiltrate our government unopposed. When we've given up on engaging people, when we've written off entire communities, when we refuse to show up, we've lost.
Frankly, that's the story of Missouri over the last two decades. And what do we have to show for it? Broken roads, closed hospitals, defunded schools, and a government that increasingly inserts itself into our private lives. About the only things we're number one for anymore are abusive boarding schools and puppy mills.
So while Attorney General Andrew Bailey wants to hide, I won't. I'll be there on the 24th. I'll stand up for Missouri's working families and a future where we are the ones represented in our own government.
We will have a watchdog as our Attorney General again. We will sue scammers again. We will prosecute corrupt officials, make our neighborhoods safe for our kids, and stop the ongoing exploitation of our state by these big, wealthy players that think we aren't worth a damn.
I'll be ready. Hope to see you there.