Dear John,
The enemies of faith are taking notice: people of faith are standing up for their beliefs and winning back their constitutional freedoms.
And they don’t like these victories one bit.
First Liberty works tirelessly to protect the religious freedom of all Americans. We know that an unconstitutional attack on one faith is an attack against all faiths.
Anti-faith activists know from experience...when we fight for faith, we win. The fact is we win over 90% of the time.
And because we win, the attorneys and staff at First Liberty along with our brave clients draw a lot of attention…both positive and negative.
It’s that negative attention I want to talk about today.
You see, anti-faith Leftists in the media choose to mischaracterize and misrepresent our work and the people of faith we help.
They mislabel us, attacking our faith and our love of country.
That’s why I’ve asked First Liberty’s Chief Legal Office to clear up the misconceptions generated by recent articles like Slate Magazine’s “The Religious Right Isn’t Hiding What It’s Doing in the Courts.”

The truth is the radical Left wants to try to prevent people of faith from using our influence to return our nation to its constitutional foundation and the principles of faith it was founded on.
Rest assured; we remain dedicated to the fight to defend your constitutional freedoms, protecting religious liberty for Americans of all faiths. No insult or veiled threat will deter us from our work.
We know that these attempts to negatively label people of faith are because you and I have the opportunity to restore expressions of faith in our communities.
And a faith-filled America is the last thing the radical Left wants.
But it will take all of us working together to make that happen.
A key part to making that happen is that we must continue to fight and defeat the enemies of faith.
John, we can’t do that without your support.
This month as we close out our fiscal year, I’m asking you to put us in the best financial position possible to defend religious freedom.
By giving now, you can make an even bigger impact on this critical fight for the future of faith. Through June 30th, our $400,000 Challenge Grant makes your gift go even further.
You are the reason we can continue the fight to secure freedom for generations.
Will you join First Liberty in the fight to restore religious liberty for all Americans?
Yes, I will make a gift today!
Grateful for you,
Kelly Shackelford President, CEO & Chief Counsel First Liberty Institute