# Today’s Morning News
Good Morning! So glad that you could wake up and click to read our morning newsletter. It’s packed with stuff, so be sure to read all the way through!
### Your Daily Cartoon
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### **What REALLY Happened During the D-Day Speech**
Let’s face it. [We all thought Biden pooped]([link removed]) in the middle of his D-Day speech. He did this weird squat, and we assumed the worse. Then, fake news came out to say that he did, in fact, poop. We believed it.
Why was it so easy for us to believe that Biden was capable of such a thing? And what really happened?
[Read on.]([link removed])
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### Take a Quick Poll
We’d love to know what you think about the hottest topics, and this is your chance to share an opinion!
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[What cancer-triggering habit is the most significant?]([link removed])
### YouTube Video of the Day
Youtube: Trump Sends Vetting Paperwork to 7 Potential VP Candidates ([link removed])
Have a great day!
_Sam Bennett_
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