I want to thank Senator Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, and every senator from both parties who voted to pass one of the most significant senate bills in Texas history.                                                            

Texans For Dan Patrick


Guaranteeing Our Power Grid Remains Reliable and Strong

Proposed Gas

I want to thank Senator Charles Schwertner, R-Georgetown, and every senator from both parties who voted to pass one of the most significant senate bills in Texas history. This was one of my highest priorities in the last session. The senators understood that while renewables are a big part of our grid, we needed to level the playing field and add more reliable natural gas plants. Renewables are not dependable, and natural gas plants do not need the wind or the sun to power our grid.

Our plan was to balance federally subsidized solar and wind farms with building more dispatchable natural gas plants. The incentive package for new natural gas plants the Senate created has received an overwhelmingly positive response—we plan to add another $5 billion in incentives this coming legislative session.

Voters overwhelmingly supported our plan last November. Building these plants will take several years, but we need to start construction as soon as possible. I expect the Public Utility Commission to move forward without delay as soon as the Texas Energy Fund loans are eligible for approval.

I will continue to fight for more dispatchable, gas-fired generation available on the ERCOT grid. The Texas Energy Fund is a step in the right direction to guarantee our grid remains reliable and strong.

What a Blast!
We must ensure the next generations of Texans “Remember the Alamo”

What a blast

On Sunday, Jan and I traveled to Yoakum to raise money for the Alamo's preservation efforts. We had a great time shooting off a replica of the historic cannons. The demonstration allowed us to vividly imagine the moment 188 years ago when Lt. Col. Travis fired an 18-pound cannon at the Alamo. We raised over $150,000 for the firing of the cannon. Click here to watch the video footage.

Lighting the fuse and firing the cannon.

Some of my staff were able to join.

Edd and Nina
Hosts Edd and Nina Hendee, owners of the Taste of Texas, pictured with Jan and me.

Texas Flags

About 125 Texans and 18 shooters joined the celebration. It was a great time honoring such a huge part of Texas’s history.

The Alamo

We must ensure that the next generation of Texans “Remember the Alamo!” To watch the official video released by the Alamo, click here.

Weaponized Lawfare Making President Trump’s Campaign Even Stronger


Weaponized lawfare will only make President Trump stronger. I joined America First with Sebastian Gorka on Thursday to discuss. Click here to watch.

Leading the Charge for Mental Health Care Funding in Texas

As Lt. Governor, I’ve overseen more investment in mental health care services than any Lt. Governor in history. Since 2017, Texas has invested $2.5 billion to replace and renovate hospitals all over the state.

In 2015, Sen. Robert Nichols, R-Jacksonville, invited several senators and me to tour Rusk State Hospital. That visit made the need to invest in state mental health hospitals clear. Later, I visited with Potter County Judge Nancy Tanner, and she expressed similar concerns. During my 2022 130-city rural bus tour, I heard from Texans across the state that improved mental health care, hospital bed capacity, and access were required.

Mental health care funding was a major priority of mine during the last legislative session in 2023. I am proud to have led the charge, which resulted in $2.3 billion allocated for mental health care funding statewide, and over $2 billion spent on inpatient and state hospital bed capacity and construction with new and replacement sites all over Texas.

For more information, please click here.

Thank you all for your support and everything you do to keep Texas red. May God bless you and your family, and may He continue to bless the greatest state of all—Texas.


Dan Patrick

Dan Patrick
Lieutenant Governor of Texas

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"Whomever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant."
Matthew 20:26 (NLT)

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