John — 

The coronavirus pandemic has created a budget crisis at one of our nation’s most important institutions — the United States Postal Service. 

A sharp decline in shipping and package volume during this outbreak means the USPS is on track to run out of money by June, leaving hundreds of thousands of Americans without jobs and tens of millions without the vital services they provide. 

Sign our urgent petition demanding President Trump and Congress fully fund the post office — which is an essential part of how our society and our democracy function — before it’s too late:

sign the petition

So far, Trump and Republican leaders have refused Democratic calls to fully fund the USPS in recent weeks. 

Why? Because the Trump Administration is worried about people being able to vote by mail during this pandemic. Trump himself has made no secret of the fact he’s terrified that Republicans could lose big if millions of Americans are able to safely cast their ballots during this year’s elections. 

The USPS’s massive budget crisis would cripple its ability to deliver and collect mail ballots -- meaning Americans would have to decide whether to potentially risk their health by voting in person during this outbreak or not vote at all — just like what Republicans made voters do in Wisconsin last week. 

We cannot let that happen. Sign our petition today demanding Trump and Congress fully fund the USPS before it’s too late:

sign the petition

Playing politics with one of the largest federal employers in our country — especially during a pandemic — is wrong and that’s why we need you to make your voice heard today. 

Thanks for stepping up. 

— Flip the Senate

sign the petition