The mega-wealthy don’t give millions of dollars in “gifts” to Supreme Court justices. They give bribes.


Why on earth has Dick Durbin – the chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee – not subpoenaed Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito and made them testify under oath about their bribes?

They fly on private jets with billionaires to go on fishing trips on yachts, get houses bought for their family, report none of it on their financial ethics disclosure forms… and then Republicans and Democrats in the Senate do nothing about it?

I’ve worked 40, 60, sometimes 90 hours a week to put food on the table and try to give my kids a better life than I had. No corporation or billionaire has ever handed me anything. When Kellogg’s tried to take away our health care and our benefits, I led a 77-day strike through the freezing Nebraska winter – and then they fired me for being union president.

Let’s call it like it is: The mega-wealthy don’t give millions of dollars in “gifts” to Supreme Court justices. They give bribes.

I’m running for U.S. Senate because working people like me having been getting screwed for far too long. There is no one who like me in the Senate. These days, it’s just a country club of Ivy League lawyers, former business execs, and trust fund babies.

The polls show I can win. I am neck-and-neck with my Republican opponent, Senator Deb Fischer. In one poll, I am even LEADING her by 2 points.

But we need to raise another $25,000 before midnight tomorrow if we’re going to defeat her and flip this Senate seat – and right now, we’re still very short of our goal.

I’m not taking money from corporate PACs, so I have nowhere else to turn: Please, will you give $5 or more right now to my campaign – no amount you can afford is too small – to help me defeat Republican Deb Fischer and flip this Senate seat?

Please use the links in this email to start a monthly donation through ActBlue:

I am ready to be the 51st vote in the Senate to support working people – and end the corruption.

It’s time to send someone to the U.S. Senate whose collars are blue.

Thank you for your support,

Dan Osborn