Let's make transport better, greener and fairer for all.
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Next week is Better Transport Week 2024!

Hello Supporter

Are you ready for #BetterTransportWeek 2024? With less than a week to go to the official launch at Wolverhampton Railway Station, there's still time to get involved with our week-long celebration of sustainable transport! Whether it's getting your neighbours together for a walk the park, or getting a group of friends together for a bus trip somewhere, or organising a Better Transport Week sustainable transport challenge at work, we've listed some ideas to get you started on our website
Get involved

Better Transport Conference

Have you booked your FREE place at our first ever Better Transport Conference yet? The conference is taking place on Friday 21 June in central London and is sponsored by SYSTRA. We're especially excited about the live podcast recording from behavioural scientist and author of Transport for Humans, Pete Dyson and historian, geographer and TV presenter Tim Dunn taking place in the afternoon! Click on the button below to see the full agenda, list of speakers and how to book your FREE place.
Find out more

Find out what's happening where

Our partners have planned some really exciting events up and down the country, so make sure you check the listings to see if there's one near you. Don't forget to let us know if you're holding an event yourself so we can add it to our website before Monday. 
Check out the listing page

Make use of the materials

Don't forget you can download a leaflet, a selection of posters and social media images to support the week or to use at your events. Click the link below to see the full range.
Download the Better Transport Week materials
We'll be in touch on Monday at the start of #BetterTransportWeek 2024. Until then, bye for now...

Alice and the Better Transport Week team
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