Our first edition: Safe storage tips for firearms in the home.

Hi, folks! We’ve got an exciting announcement today: We’re launching our Summer Safety Series! We’ll be sending out safety tips for students and families each week, so keep an eye on your inbox! If you would like to support our mission and help us continue providing these valuable resources, consider making a donation today.


Our first edition focuses on safe storage!

Here are some key basics for safe firearm storage:

  • Firearms must be stored where children cannot access them.
  • Your firearms should be stored someplace where they will not be stolen.

Additionally, the points below should be followed:

  • Unloaded firearms should be stored in a locked cabinet, safe, gun vault or storage case.
  • Use gun locking devices that render firearms inoperable.
  • Ammunition should be stored in a locked location separate from firearms.
  • Thoroughly double check firearms to confirm that they are unloaded.

Children are often curious about firearms in the home, so make sure that they’re aware of safety guidelines. Here’s some messaging for communicating with children and adolescents about firearms:

What should your child do if they see an unsecured firearm? It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

  1. Do not touch the gun.
  2. Do not let their friends touch the gun.
  3. Go get an adult.

Don't go snooping, or allow other kids to go snooping, for guns in a residence. 

These steps can help protect your children and their friends. Interested in getting more in-depth information on safe storage? Check out our comprehensive guide! >>


One of the most important aspects of our mission is promoting safety awareness, and this series is our way of getting information directly to those who need it. If you would like to contribute to our cause and help us continue our important work, please chip in today. Every donation makes a difference in our efforts to promote safety and prevent tragedy.


See you next week!

– Team Parkland


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Stand with Parkland
5944 Coral Ridge Dr. #273
Coral Springs, FL 33076
United States