CCL's Madeleine Para on The Climate Pod; Hang out with staffer Don Addu this Friday

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  Citizens' Climate Lobby  
  CCL Newsletter, April 2020
Table of Contents:
Earth Day event 
Take action this week 
CCLers awarded fellowships
Free estate planning services 
Grassroots: Young adults outreach 
Training topics
This week on the CCL blog 
Celebrate Earth Day with Katharine Hayhoe and CCL


At a time when we are worried, isolated and unable to physically be with one another, we thought it would be good to spend a little time together — online, of course — to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day. So far, more than 1,500 people have registered to attend “Uniting from Home: A Virtual CCL Event with Katharine Hayhoe” on April 25!  At the event, we’ll hear from one of our favorite climate allies, Dr. Katharine Hayhoe. 

Dr. Hayhoe offered this reflection about the challenging time we’re going through:

“The pandemic has taught us that what really matters is the same for all of us. It’s the health and safety of our families and our loved ones, our communities and our world. That’s what the coronavirus pandemic threatens, and that’s exactly what climate change does, too. And that’s why we only have to be one thing to care about climate change: a human living on Planet Earth.”

With in-person Earth Day events canceled this year, “Uniting from Home” offers a great way to do grassroots outreach and introduce new people to CCL. To help get the word out about next week’s event and invite your friends to join you, share this short teaser video with clips of Dr. Hayhoe from last year’s conference in Washington. 



Other news: 

Madeleine on The Climate Pod: Our very own Vice President of Programs, Madeleine Para, was recently featured on The Climate Pod podcast. Madeleine talked about the ways CCL volunteers are continuing their climate advocacy at a time when everyone is self-quarantined. Listen and share.

Hang out with a CCL staffer: Next up in our weekly session is CCL Southeast Director Don Addu, who will be available to chat online with volunteers at 6 p.m. on Friday. Bring your favorite food and beverage and connect to our Zoom room to learn more about Don and ask questions. Mark your calendar for upcoming hangouts, too, when you can hang out with Ashley, Jim, Karina, Clara and Danny.

Fall internships available: CCL is now accepting applications for fall 2020 internships in the areas of policy, outreach, communication and more. Locations are available in many areas across the country, and some opportunities are dedicated for Spanish speakers and other people of color. Check out all our opportunities. 

Take action this week 

If you have a little time: Help spread the word that CCL volunteers have secured 1,500 endorsements for the Energy Innovation Act! Share the news from CCL’s Twitter post, and be sure to check out the endorsement map to see who in your state supports this major piece of climate legislation.

If you have more time: Watch or listen to the recording of CCL’s April national meeting, which took place this Saturday. Did you know that the majority of environmentalists don’t vote? That’s what guest speaker Nathaniel Stinnett from the Environmental Voter Project told us in our meeting, and he shared what you can do to help change that. Check out the recording.

You can also connect with your nearest CCL chapter to take action in your community, or join one of CCL’s national online Action Teams to take action on specific topics like agriculture, health, faith, and more. 

Browse CCL Community’s Event Calendar to find upcoming events, trainings, and calls you can join.

CCLers awarded fellowships from Yale Program

CCL's own Princella Talley (shown left), Development Associate and Diversity Outreach Coordinator, and Piper Christian, Secretary of CCE's and CCL's governing boards, have recently been named Public Voices Fellows! This new fellowship is offered by the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and The OpEd Project. 

The fellows are all thought leaders working at the intersections of climate change science, impacts, solutions, and social justice. “The knowledge and level of support we will be afforded through the Public Voices fellowship is so important to address the inequities which are often made worse by climate change,” Princella said.

Princella and Piper were selected, along with 18 other fellows, from more than 650 talented applicants. Princella said, “I am thrilled to be part of this fellowship with Piper and as a representative of Citizens’ Climate.” 

We're so proud of both these wonderful women and feel lucky to have them as part of our organization. Head to CCL's Facebook post to leave Princella and Piper a comment of congratulations!

CCL offering free estate planning services 

Because we’ve heard a need from many of our supporters, Citizens’ Climate Lobby now has a free estate planning resource available to you. We have partnered with FreeWill to offer a quick and easy way to complete a durable power of attorney, advance healthcare directives, and a will. Each of these services are entirely free to use and take most people less than 20 minutes to complete. 

In your will, you have the option to name Citizens’ Climate Lobby or Citizens’ Climate Education as one of your beneficiaries, and we would be honored if you did so. By making a designation, you’re investing in a healthy climate and democracy for generations to come. These decisions are 100% revocable and can provide a tax-advantaged way to support your family and the causes you cherish most. But please know you are in no way required to name CCL or CCE as a beneficiary to take advantage of these services. 

FreeWill partners with many non-profit organizations, including United Way and the American Heart Association, and we are confident that this is a trusted resource for you and your family. If you would also like to talk with one of our Development Team members about making a planned gift commitment to CCL or CCE, please email [email protected].

Grassroots: Reaching out to young adults

Back in January, before social distancing became the order of the day, the North Tahoe chapter of CCL decided their group needed more representation from the younger generation. They organized a house party, led by the millennials in their group, that was well attended with “energetic, enthusiastic participants.” Many guests followed up with appreciative notes saying they were excited to participate with CCL. When the current health emergency subsides, parties like this will be a great way to make CCL a more diverse organization.

CCL volunteers are regularly activating the “five levers” of political will in their communities. If you’d like to learn more about how to reach out to young people like these volunteers did, watch or read this training on “Engaging Young Adults in Climate Solutions.” 

Training topics

CCL offers two ongoing learning series: Citizens' Climate University for existing volunteers, and Core Volunteer Training for new volunteers. Here are the next few sessions you can join: 

4/16 Citizens' Climate University: Preparing for Media Interviews - Want to talk about CCL on TV or radio? Communications Director Flannery Winchester will tell you how to prepare for your interview. Learn more.

4/21 Core Volunteer Training: Media Resources & Roles Basics - Generating media is one of CCL’s five levers of political will. This training will introduce you to the media activities you can do as a CCL volunteer. Learn more.

4/23 Citizens' Climate University: Working With Other Organizations & Allies - It helps to have friends and allies in the fight against climate change. Find out what CCLers around the country are doing to engage other organizations in a productive and respectful way. Learn more

To see upcoming topics and past trainings, visit the Training Topics page of CCL Community

This week on the CCL blog 

Plan through the pandemic: CCL has a new COVID-19 "phase planning" resource available, which will help your chapter make an impact and be ready to fully re-engage on climate when the time is right. This resource is thanks to the great work of our Salt Lake City volunteers. Read more.

Share your story: Are you Interested in being featured in a video or on CCL's blog? Sign up to share your story about COVID-19, your climate advocacy, or anything else on your mind. We'll contact you to schedule a conversation.

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CCL Climate Advocate Training
Do you want to be a more effective volunteer? Start by joining our Informational Session, then register for our Climate Advocate Training, and wrap up with our Core Volunteer Training.
The Info Session is held weekly on Wednesdays at 8pm ET, 5pm PT.
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Climate Advocate Training is held the first Wednesday of every month at 1 pm ET and the third Wednesday monthly at 8 pm ET (adjust for your local time zone).
Register for Climate Advocate Training

Core Volunteer Training is held weekly on Tuesdays at 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT.
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Sign up for CCL Text Messages

As we build political will for climate solutions, CCL can notify you of timely actions via text message. This will be critical once a bill is in congress. You can opt out at any time. Sign up today!
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