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Editor's Note:

"Pride" Month is here, and the Scholastic Bookfair, which used to be one of the most trusted sources of children's literature, has jumped onto the bandwagon with both feet. As described by Chad Felix Greene, Scholastic is in full LGBTQ+ indoctrination mode, and the younger the child, the better. If any parents are still on the fence about the reality of this targeting of their children, it is time to take off the blinkers. Reprinted with permission. Pat Daugherty, Ed.D.
Scholastic’s Kid-Focused ‘Read With Pride’ Guide Demonizes Anyone Without A Rainbow Identity
June 12, 2024

The Scholastic Bookfair used to be an exciting time for kids and a place where parents could feel safe knowing their kids would have a world of interesting, educational, and enlightening reading experiences. Unfortunately, like so many innocent joys of childhood, LGBT activists have taken that safety away. Scholastic has fully embraced not only gay and transgender education and fiction for kids at preschool age and above but the full spectrum of extreme transgender and sexual ideology of the left.

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