We need to have Jacky Rosen’s back today — at the start of the general election.

U.S. Senator Chris Murphy

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In just a few hours, Nevada’s Senate race is expected to become a head-to-head race between Jacky Rosen and Sam Brown — who Donald Trump just endorsed.

This is going to be one of the most expensive races in the entire country. This seat could decide the Senate majority, so it’s critical that we help Jacky start her general election strong.

Please rush a $5 donation today to split between Jacky Rosen’s campaign and ours. Do it to make sure we hold the majority.

If you've stored your info with ActBlue, we'll process your contribution instantly.

Look, Nevada is going to be close. Cook Political just called Jacky’s seat one of only three “tossup” races in the country, and in 2022, the Nevada Senate race was decided by 7,928 votes — less than one percent.

The map this year is tough. Every single seat is going to matter if Democrats have any hope of holding onto our Senate majority.

So Republicans and their corporate allies are putting everything they have into this race. Super PACs are going to unleash tens of millions of dollars in attack ads against Jacky.

Every day from now until Election Day will be brutal, and it is going to take significant resources for Jacky to withstand what’s coming her way.

So please, split a $5 donation between Jacky Rosen’s and Chris Murphy’s re-elections. This is important — especially today with the general election just hours away.

Our Senate majority and the White House could hinge on what happens in Nevada. Every dollar will matter when the votes are counted.

- Team Murphy



Paid for by Friends of Chris Murphy

Friends of Chris Murphy
PO Box 230987
Hartford, CT 06123

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