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June 11, 2024
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Submit Your Comments to Oppose the Rescheduling of Marijuana
The Biden administration is shaking hands with the marijuana industry. Earlier this month, the Drug Enforcement Administration released a proposed regulation to move marijuana from a Schedule I drug to a Schedule III drug. Schedule I drugs are defined as having “potentially severe psychological or physical dependence” and include heroin and ecstasy. Schedule III drugs are those that have a low risk of dependence such as steroids or Tylenol with codeine.  Science shows that marijuana is indeed addictive and therefore it should not be reclassified by the DEA.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic, and the World Health Organization have all acknowledged that marijuana is much more potent than ever before. In the 1970s, the THC level in marijuana products was only 2% but today the level is up to 18%-35% THC. Items such as gummies, drinks, and candies containing cannabis make this vice more appealing and easier to consume. The increased THC amounts plus the ease of consuming it has led to an uptick in cannabis use disorders, schizophrenia, and cannabis hyperemesis syndrome.
The DEA’s actions risk the well-being of children. Teen marijuana use is at an all-time high with 30% of high school seniors having used cannabis. A large majority of the psychiatric events that result in emergency room visits are due to marijuana use, and these numbers are rising as well. The Biden administration, by downgrading pot, is clearly not looking at the facts or “trusting the science.”
It is important that we make our opposition known to the DEA as they begin the process of rescheduling marijuana by submitting a public comment. We have provided you a sample comment, but recommend you edit the language in your own words. If the comment differs from others, the DEA must read and respond to each individual comment. Submit your comments before July 22nd to let them know that you oppose this regulation. 


Submit Your Comment to the DEA
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