Minnesota Senator Eric Lucero banner image

Beautiful rainbow seen over Saint Michael Tuesday evening last week. We turn ourselves away from pride and glorification-of-self to instead humble ourselves as we reflect upon the true meaning of God's rainbow of PROMISE.

Sen. Lucero greeting constituents last Sunday at the Albertville parade!

Sen. Lucero hosting a town hall with Rep. Novotny, Rep. Scott, and Sen. Bahr last Saturday at Oak Grove City Hall. Attendees were frustrated by the multi-subject, unconstitutional, 1400+ page mega-omnibus bill the Democrat tyranny broke the rules to ram through both the House and Senate in a matter of minutes when zero electronic or physical copy was available at the time to even know what was being voted upon.


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

I had a busy last several days participating in multiple events in and beyond our community as I work to spread truth regarding the last legislative session. I hope you will have the opportunity to join Rep. Hudson and I on June 22 in Saint Michael at the next joint town hall.

Sen. Lucero Thursday last week speaking to a Cass County group regarding the critical importance of protecting our God-given liberties, including the Second Amendment.


Democrats received  ~50.25% of the vote November 2022 resulting in their 34-to-33 seat majority in the MN Senate. Democrats took advantage of their 1-seat majority to advance their radical, far-left, Marxist agenda negatively impacting Minnesotans. Lack of check-and-balance to the Democrat one-party control has resulted in billions of dollars spent recklessly and the implementation of many harmful policies crippling Minnesota families and businesses.


The frustrating reality is the VERY SAME policies promoted by Democrats as utopian are in fact the direct cause of expensive groceries, housing, childcare, and more. To compound matters, Democrats refusing to prosecute criminals is jeopardizing the safety and security of all law-abiding citizens. Unchecked Democrat one-party control has made Minnesota unsafe AND expensive!



Our Founding Father’s understood good governance and protecting liberty requires checks and balances. Unfortunately, Democrat one-party control has resulted in clear abuse of government.


Within the last week, several high-profile events reinforce the clear abuse directly resulting from unchecked Democrat one-party control:

  • State Trooper Ryan Londregan’s unjustly persecuted at the hands of a Democrat District Attorney weaponizing government force for political purposes
  • Feeding our Future Scam
  • Frontline Worker Pay Fraud 

Trooper Londregan

Last week, Democrat Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty announced she was dropping the bogus murder charge she schemed against State Trooper Ryan Londregan in an effort to use the law as a weapon against the very people who enforce it. Moriarty believes government should serve Black Lives Matter and other far left movements rather than put violent criminals behind bars.


Law enforcement absolutely must be held accountable for mistakes and negligence. However, Moriarty’s charging of Trooper Londegran with murder defies all logic. The dropping of charges only occurred after extensive input from experts in law enforcement and use of force standards providing evidence Trooper Londregan did nothing wrong in carrying out his duties.


Despite the facts, Moriaty did everything she could to keep the charge alive, even as the lead prosecutor left the case and she had to hire an outside firm from D.C. to perpetuate the Democrat attack on law enforcement. After widespread backlash, Moriarty finally conceded defeat, but not without delivering a final blow against Trooper Londregan. In a press release announcing the charges being dropped, Moriarty said the following,


“Ricky Cobb II should still be alive today,” Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty said. “Today’s necessary decision does not change that fact, nor does it exonerate Mr. Londregan or the methods his supervisors used to train him in difficult situations. The question of whether we can prove a case at trial is different than clearing a person of any wrongdoing. There are so many points at which Mr. Londregan could have handled the situation differently, and if he had, Ricky Cobb might still be alive. But that is not the question before us as prosecutors; the only question is whether we can still prove beyond a reasonable doubt that a crime occurred given this new evidence. The answer to that question is no, and I would violate my ethical duties if I nonetheless continued with the case.”


Moriarty fails to separate her responsibility as District Attorney to uphold the law and her greater passion to be an activist. Rather than acknowledging Trooper Londgran handled the encounter accordingly to his training within the bounds of the law, Moriarty states she doesn’t have the evidence to prosecute him, but continues to imply Trooper Londregan murdered Ricky Cobb and regrets she cannot throw a police officer in prison. Moriarty also mentions she spoke privately to Ricky Cobb’s family to explain her decision. I suspect Trooper Londregan and his family did not get the same courtesy when Moriarty decided to charge him.

Feeding Our Future

Friday last week, five of the seven defendants involved with the Feeding Our Future scam were found guilty on most charges. The scandal resulted in the largest misuse of pandemic relief funds totaling $250 million. Poor oversight by Democrat Attorney General, Democrat State Auditor, and other Democrats failure to act despite several red flags that should have caught the attention of state regulators frustrates hardworking Minnesotans.


Democrats ignoring their duty to oversee non-profits comes as zero surprise given the very close working relationship with non-profits. Several instances of legislators having a close relationship with the same organizations they are voting to allocate funding to are among the conflicts of interest.


The trial became even more dramatic with the discovery of an attempt to bribe one of the jurors when they discovered a bag with $120,000 left at their home. Thankfully, the juror had the integrity to report the bribe attempt to law-enforcement and was dismissed from the jury. These are the type of events you would expect to hear about in mob movies but have become a reality in Democrat controlled Minnesota. Democrats spent Minnesota’s massive $17 billion budget surplus in 2023 with a record amount allocated to their friends in non-profits. One can only speculate about how much waste and abuse is occurring since we will never get a clear answer from the Democrats in charge.

Minnesotans struggle to afford groceries, housing, and childcare while Gov. Walz and Democrat one-party control squander billions of dollars to scandal-ridden programs such as Frontline Worker Pay, Feeding Our Future, and more waste.

Frontline Worker Pay

The Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) this week released a report on their conclusions after auditing the Frontline Worker Pay Program. Once again, Democrat one-party control resulted in lack of oversight and taxpayer money flowing to people who were NOT eligible.


Power divided = power checked. It’s very clear Democrat one-party control of state government is hurting Minnesotans, breeding corruption, and making our once great state more and more expensive. For the sake of our future, Democrats’ monopoly in government must come to an end!



Sen. Lucero Thursday afternoon last week at Humphrey School of Public Affairs as part of the panel discussion focused on artificial intelligence and the implications across society and public policy.

Sen. Lucero invited to join a grassroots group Tuesday evening last week in Osseo to discuss the legislative session, parental rights, and upholding truth.

Another example of secret data harvesting without affirmative knowledge or consent.


7% of Gen Zers said their parents answered the interview questions for them. Does a parent sitting next to a young job applicant and answering the interview questions hurt career prospects?

The soaring cost of taxes, insurance, utilities, materials, labor, and more are ALL directly caused by Fed printing money, government mandates, and over-regulation at both the state and national levels. Government is the direct cause of the financial pain we're all living.

Staying In Touch

Each and every day I’m continuously humbled at the opportunity to represent and fight for the values and priorities of our great community!


Please contact me to share any issues, concerns, or feedback you have to assist me best represent you. The best way to reach me is by email at [email protected] or by phone at 651-296-5655.



Eric Lucero


State Senator

District 30

Rockford Township, Hanover, Saint Michael, Albertville, Otsego, Elk River, Nowthen, Western Oak Grove 


Capitol Address

95 University Avenue W.
Minnesota Senate Bldg. 2413
St. Paul, MN 55155
