Happy Pride Month! We have three exciting upcoming events we hope you check out and join. How to Build Your Tech Stack, LGBTQ+ Campaign Staff Panel, and an Arena Careers Fair.

Arena Community,


Happy Pride Month! We have three exciting upcoming events we hope you check out and join. How to Build Your Tech Stack, LGBTQ+ Campaign Staff Panel, and an Arena Careers Fair.


How to Build Your Tech Stack

Interested in solidifying your campaign tech but don't know where to begin? We’ve got you covered! In this webinar hosted by Higher Ground Labs we'll cover the basics of navigating the tech selection process and provide sample downballot buyers guides.


Making large tech stack purchases can be stressful, especially for first-time buyers. A tech stack will influence your campaign’s data flow, volunteer experience, social media presence, and ad optimization. That's why we hope the strategies we share will be helpful as you make some pivotal decisions in gearing up for the election.


Learn how to pick the tech that can help you win. RSVP for the workshop here>>


LGBTQ+ Campaign Staff Panel

A group of people in a circle talking. One person has his hand over his heart and is making a compasionate face. Campaign Training Mental health First AID 6 p.m. ET on Thursday May 23

This Pride Month we’re hosting a gathering of queer campaign staffers to hear how they how they got started in politics, how their identity has influenced their career choices, and their advice to those starting out now. 


Join us at 7 p.m. ET on Tuesday, June 25 to hear from this panel and connect with others! RSVP Today>>


The event will be recorded, but you must RSVP to get the recording. 


Arena Careers Fair

Join the Arena Community and employers across the U.S. for a virtual careers fair.


During this careers fair, you’ll have the chance to hear from employers hiring right now and join them in breakout rooms to learn more and connect directly. 


All Arena-Trained Staff and other political professionals are welcome. You'll hear from some of the top campaigns in 2024 in the US and have your resume directly sent to interested employers. 


RSVP to save your spot and ensure employers get your resume. 


This event will not be recorded but if you submit you RSVP and submit your resume we’ll send it to employers even if you can’t make it.


We’re so excited for these upcoming events! If you have any questions about any of these events, reach out to [email protected]. If you can’t attend these events, please share them with your network and open the door for them to enter the Arena.


In solidarity, 

June Borst
Deputy Director of Career Development

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